Tonight I made the cupcake recipe on page 29 of my book. Mini raspberry and coconut cupcakes.
As is says in the book they were inspired from classic English bakewell tarts. I personally have never heard of this so-called English tart. So Wikipedia helped me understand: "consists of a shortcrust pastry shell, spread with jam and covered with a sponge-like filling enriched with ground almonds." It goes on to say that they were first created by accident in 1820. I love stories like that, people coming across lovely desserts on accident.
The original recipe calls for mini ceramic baking cups and place them on a cookie sheet. I unfortunately didn't have any nor could I find any. Not that I looked that hard for them. In any event I used a mini muffin pan, and it seemed to work just fine.
The cupcakes are made with almond meal, flaked coconut, egg whites and your usual staples: sugar, flour etc. Then you place a single raspberry and shredded coconut on top and bake 12-15 minutes at 375 degrees. For my oven and mini muffin pan, they needed more like 15 minutes to bake properly.
And as far as tomorrow's cupcake, I know Travis is looking forward to it: carrot & walnut cupcakes!
Photography: Travis J. Premo
almond meal!