Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sorry it's been so long

I cant believe I let five days go by without baking. There just always something on this baker's plate.
Well it's Sunday, so I can use that to my advantage and bake a few in order to catch up.
For the first cupcake of the day, I did one of the variations to one I have already made. I made white chocolate & macadamia nut brioche.
These were much better then the originals, "chocolate chip and raisin". At least my husband thought so.
These seemed a little over cooked, so for my next variation I'll be sure to bake them for less time. Maybe 18 minutes rather then 20.
I did better on the yeast part. I think last time I used to hot of water and killed the poor little guys. The dough seemed to rise perfectly this time around.
Well Cupcakes by Coley will be having its very own Facebook page. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to visit the blog. I'll put a direct link onto the page, along with photos and a contact number and email for anyone looking to place an order. I think this way, if you want to become a fan of my blog or page you don't have to create a yahoo account. So keep your eye out for that. It's coming along nicely.
Photography: Travis J. Premo

1 comment:

  1. White chocolate and macadamia nuts = my favorite combination ever. I want to eat these!
