Monday, September 28, 2009

Ice Cream!

What a good segue from my last cupcake to this one. Tonight I made chocolate ice cream cupcakes. These were a little more involved then your typical cupcake. First you have to make the cupcake part. Which was your standard chocolate cupcake recipe. Once the cupcakes were cooled the book told me one thing, but the picture said another. The book said to cut the cupcakes horizontally, while the picture looked like they were cut vertical right down the center. I had to cut them to put the ice cream in between the two halves, as if I were making an ice cream sandwich....mmmm. For this recipe it called for chocolate ice cream, but the variations call for other flavors. So once that part is done, you have to set them in the freezer while you make the chocolate glaze for the topping. So as you can see it's pretty time consuming. The glaze was a piece of cake. Literally just chocolate chips and heavy cream melted together. When the glaze is cooled off, I used a spoon to lather up the cupcakes. Then I returned it once again to the freezer. The book suggests to take it out of the freezer and into the fridge 30 minutes before serving. So that's what I did. These came out pretty good. The best that I can describe them would be, an ice cream sandwich. They were very yummy in my tummy! Photography: Travis J. Premo

1 comment:

  1. Mmm! It sounds soo good. Was it messy? I don't like too much chocolate... I wanna see some variations to this recipe!
