Wednesday, September 9, 2009

no eggs, and soda?

I know I said I would make a chocolate fudge cupcake tonight, but I wanted to try something else first, that caught my eye.
This will be my second cupcake from the "cupcakes for special diets" section of the cookbook.
Tonight I made a egg-free chocolate cupcake. It actually wasn't too bad. My husband and I would much rather have more fatty stuff in it. =) But for those who are on strict diets, or who cant eat eggs, this is a pretty good substitution.
The cupcake is actually pretty simple to make. It calls for the basics, butter, flour, vanilla and baking powder. Then in addition it, calls for milk, dutch process cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and then the kicker, 1 1/2 cups of cherry cola.
Travis' testimonial: "Good, but needs more fat!" he's a sweets kind of guy. But he actually did like it. It was a little dry, needed more moisture for my taste. But with no eggs, that can become a problem.
You couldn't really taste the cherry cola, it just added a little sweetness to the cupcake. Without it, it would have been pretty bland. But for those who don't like that artificial cherry flavor, don't worry-you cant taste it.
I'll be bringing these over to my parents in the morning, so in tomorrow's blog I'll write about their testimonials, so you all have another opinion about it.
Photography: Travis J. Premo

1 comment:

  1. They look so good! Even though I love fatty stuff, I'd eat them!
