Sunday, September 6, 2009

Vanilla cupcake variation

So many different variations. This next batch is one of the three vanilla cupcake variations.
All I did differently to the recipe was add about 1/4 cup of golden raisins.
As far as my troubles with the dryness of the vanilla cupcake recipe. Ive gotten alot of great ideas, such as adding sour cream to the mix or cooking it for 2 minutes more at 50 degrees less.
I didn't have any sour cream on hand, so I'll save that for next time. But I took the advice of Travis' mom who used to bake her cookies this way. Instead of baking them at 350, I reduced the heat to 300 degrees and baked them for 22 minutes, rather then 20. This seemed to work pretty well, much better and a big improvement. The top of the cake was a little dry, but I think that's because I just left them out a little longer then I should have. With a few more adjustments I should get the recipe just right!
Photography: Travis J. Premo


  1. love these--almost as much as the chocolate ones!

  2. Not a fan of raisins. Did Travis like these? Looks delicious still.
