Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Wreath

Well I finally did it. The vanilla cupcake recipe finally worked for me. Thanks to a bigger and better oven. (Cupcakes by Coley should have never had to use an apartment oven, blah!)
I truly believe the cupcake came out better, because of the heat distribution. My husband said, "Much better baby!"
As I said this is a vanilla cupcake, with butter cream frosting. To get in the holiday spirit, I made them to look like holiday wreaths. I first frosted a layer of white butter cream for the base and then used a special tip to pipe on the wreath shape, and then a smaller tip to pipe on the red "holly berries" as I like to call them.
These are available for purchase for $1, or a dozen for $10. Please visit me at:
for more information.
WOW! How exciting! I had my first caller for Cupcakes by Coley, a woman called saying she found my website on Google and wanted to place an order for a dozen cupcakes, sadly she wanted them now, and there was no way I could have pulled that off, but I told her to keep me in mind for any future events. Didn't make any money off of it, but at least I know my advertisement is working and my name is starting to leak out into the world. =)
Photographer: Travis. J Premo

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! Great to hear the wonderful news! And really cute decoration. You should make wreaths decorated with stuff other than more frosting -- something like white chocolate chips. I can't think of anything right now, I'm half asleep!
