Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Number 48!

This is one of my favorite recipes, hands down.
My 48th cupcake does not come from the cookbook, but from my mommy. My mom has been making this killer chocolate on chocolate cake for years. A favorite of my brother and I, and my husband joined the band wagon a few years ago. It's moist and delicious and will for sure be in my future bakery. (Mommy will get a cut, of course!)
This recipe is so good, I wanted to try to make it into cupcake form. My first attempt went pretty well.
The recipe originally says it will make two 9-inch layer pans or a 13 x 9-inch pan. Which turned into two dozen cupcakes! yum yum!
The recipe goes on to say to bake for twenty minutes. Now since this was my first attempt, I didn't want to alter any temperatures or timing. So that's what I did. I baked at 350 degrees for twenty minutes.
They seemed delicious to me, but Travis suggested baking them a little less next time. So I'll take the suggestion and bake them for 18 minutes and see what happens.
For business reasons, I will not reveal the recipe, you'll have to buy them at my bakery one day. =) Just take my word, they are awesome.
Amanda, got to sample one for her birthday on Sunday. They were a day old at that point, but she got the idea.
Stay tuned! Number 49 is in the works! Hint: apple
Photography: Travis J. Premo

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