Sunday, August 30, 2009

My 10th Cupcake

Well my tenth cupcake is one that I've also made before. My first time I left out a couple ingredients because I didn't have them in the house. I loved them the first time around, so I cant wait to see how they taste now that I've added pecans, raisins, and apples.
Applesauce & Cinnamon cupcakes are very delicious and they stay moist for a longer period of time due to the applesauce. The cinnamon brings out the sweetness and complements the applesauce pretty well.
For this recipe, you'll need superfine sugar, and self-rising flour. I love using superfine sugar in the recipes rather then your regular granulated sugar. It breaks down in batters a little easier, and you don't have to mix it as long. Over mixing your batter is never a good thing anyway.
As far as the raisins go, I may suggest leaving them out in this one. I love raisins don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure the combination goes well.
They still tasted awesome though I must say. Maybe next time I'll leave out the raisins but substitute them for chunks of apples instead...hmmmm
Photography: Travis J. Premo

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