Monday, September 7, 2009

Banana Pots

Well this picture may look a little familiar to you all, that's because back in August I had made gingerbread pots. Now its time for one of it's variations, which is the banana pot.
All the banana pot variation is, you add one mashed banana into the egg mixture.
I did make one alteration on my own though, and that was to leave out the chopped candied ginger. Something told me the combination with banana wouldn't be so yummy. I could be wrong though so don't be afraid to try it.
Looking back on my notes I remembered the drizzle for this recipe was extraordinarily sweet, so I cut it in half. The five tablespoons of lemon juice combined with 1 cup confectioners' sugar is to send anyone into a sugar coma, that's for sure.
Travis' testimonial: "Not bad, interesting."
I would suggest baking them for about 1-2 minutes longer. I think by adding in the banana, it added an extra moistness and needs to be cooked. It came out a little gooey.
Other then that, it was a pretty good run.
Photography: Travis J. Premo

1 comment:

  1. You should try the candied ginger! It sounds like it would make a good combo with the banana.
