Sunday, September 13, 2009

A hearty flavor

Well it's Sunday, and you all know what that means. Time to crank out a bunch of cupcakes to reach my 500 cupcakes.
For the first one of the day, I went to page 71 of the cookbook: spiced sour cream cupcakes.
The author of the book suggests having these cupcakes during a tailgate party or perhaps a fall picnic.
Inside the cupcake there's cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, sour cream, brown sugar, pecans and raisins.
They smelled so good after baking in the oven for twenty minutes.
The cupcakes themselves have no butter in the recipe so the cupcake kind of stuck to the wrapper.
Travis' testimonial: "Good texture, good frosting!"
The frosting is your basic cream cheese frosting with orange juice, and orange zest added to the mixture.
Photography: Travis J. Premo