Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Let me start off by saying, I hope everyone is having a nice three day weekend to celebrate Labor day. Labor day weekend always makes me a little sad because it means summer is coming to an end, and a brutal semester of school is in front of me.
This afternoon I made carnation cupcakes. There isn't a whole lot to this cupcake, its just your typical vanilla cupcake. Which by the way I'm still struggling with these. Ive made this same recipe a couple times now, and the darn things just wont stay moist. They dry very quickly. Its got to be the recipe at this point. Travis even went out and bought me an oven thermometer to make sure our oven was correct, so I know it isn't heat related.
The frosting, was interesting. All it was, was confectioners' sugar and lemon juice. So this made the frosting very stiff and hard to work with. The taste wasn't all that great, it was very tart. My husband didn't care for it at all. I wasn't able to spoon the frosting on with a spatula or a spoon, I had to use my fingers, and yes they were clean, to sorta roll it on to the cupcake. It took on sort of a putty like texture or better yet a cream or an ointment texture...weird I know.
Well were off to the store to buy more supplies.
Photography: Travis J. Premo


  1. Hi Nikki, Let me first say what a wonderful job you are doing (Travis too :-) ). Regarding the lack of moisture in this cupcake, I'll pass on a little tip of mine: Try adding 1/4 Cup of sour cream. If that doesn't do it, add a little more to the next batch. Let me know if this works for you. Corinne

  2. Well.. It LOOKS pretty :) Hey, I'll still eat anything you make :)
