Sunday, September 6, 2009

My 20th cupcake

What other way to celebrate my 20th cupcake then making one with chocolate in it?
This morning I have made a chocolate mud cupcake.
I'll start off by saying I WILL make these again, just with a few adjustments.
The cupcake was rather simple to make. Chocolate chips, butter, eggs, sugar and flour. Then to top it off, some dutch process cocoa powder for dusting.
The cupcake was very light, and pretty much melted in your mouth. Very delicious, you will want a glass of milk afterwards.
I will however reduce the cooking time by a minute or two next time. The cookbook said to bake for twenty minutes. I think that might be pushing it. I'll try 18 minutes, and then leaving them in the pan for a little longer to cool.
If anyone is in the neighborhood, please feel free to drop by to pick up cupcakes. I'm building up quite a collection here.
Photography: Travis J. Premo

1 comment:

  1. Sounds chocolatey! Yummy Yummy! Yes, I will stop by one day!
